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Beauty Standards

Do you ever feel judged? Do you ever comment on other appearances? We all do it talk, gossip, whisper, speak, chat and comment. “Her nose” “his hair” “their stomach” but not one of us spare a thought about the comments we fling out our mouths carelessly. Most of us wouldn’t dare say sorry, most of us can’t be bothered, we aren’t affected we don’t need to care.

Often comments have left huge impacts and effects on people’s lives. It has put serious ideas into their brains, suicidal thoughts, self-harm and eating disorders. Imagine your own child taking their own life because some person couldn’t keep their talking, gossiping, whispering, speaking, chatting and commenting away. To not say “their stomach” “his hair” “her nose”.

Megan Taylor Meier was a teenage girl. She lived in America and just before her 14th birthday she unfortunately took her life. Her parents later found out it was due to cyber bullying. I don’t know about you but its everyday I hear people talk behind each other’s back and I’m sure most people have experienced this. The whispers and the bullying.

Social media however is a broken, toxic platform which only breeds distain and contempt. Wishing to be the person you see. The millions of anonymous voices, the comment section always reads “their stomach” “her nose” “his hair” picking out each supposed “flaw” as they talk, gossip, whisper, speak, chat and comment.

97% of women view their own body image negatively, 94% of teens think their appearance influences their popularity and 90% of men also feel dissatisfaction towards their looks. Any decent person in this room must be outraged because I am. The anxiety and utter despair that we make each other feel is disgusting.

Your comment could destroy and damage, distress and dismantle, dishearten and dismantle. You could break each hope and dash each dream because you told them its “your hair” “your stomach” “your nose” because you talked, gossiped, chatted, whispered, spoke and commented.

It’s wrong, not right, a con, not a pro, bad, not good and this is our reality far from ideal. “Her nose” “their stomach “his hair” talking, gossiping, whispering, speaking, chatting, commenting. It’s not necessary so please put it all away so we can all not be overwhelmed in insecurities. How you look will always be enough so thank you.

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