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Liberals exploit pandemic, attacking Trump

Democrats are nit-picking at Trump to accentuate his shortcomings in the coronavirus pandemic, for political gain. Meanwhile, whilst they squabble, people are dropping like flies.

In case you haven’t already noticed, the media is chock full of extremely selective (wildly inaccurate) quotations from high-ranking conservatives. However, the Dems are swimming in dangerous waters - waters filled with a dense layer of toxic journalism that obscures the inconvenient truth that lies beneath. Tom McMahon (former executive director of the ‘Democratic National Committee’) says, “People don’t want to be seen as playing partisan politics with a pandemic.” However, this is exactly what they’re doing - dividing their nation during a pandemic.

Just days ago (as I write this), the media savagely tore Trump apart for his suggestion for a COVID-19 treatment. Given that you aren’t living under a rock, I’d almost guarantee that you’ve seen the headlines about one of his suggestions – to research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. What he said, while speaking to the press and his advisors about the virus, was “And then I see the disinfectant. It knocks it out in a minute. One minute… and is there a way we can do something like that? By injection inside, or almost a cleaning… It would be interesting to check that.” Spurred on by left-wing news outlets, Trump was lambasted by ‘medical professionals’ for his suggestion, which they knew to be unsafe. However, the relentless criticism he received for that comment was unprecedented. I thought that the so-called ‘tolerant left’ would have encouraged the pooling together of suggestions to potentially help scientists find new treatment approaches to research, but no. I was wrong. They don’t want suggestions; they want mistakes so they can point fingers and jeer at the President that they failed to impeach.

Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel - who was President Obama’s chief of staff - argues that a crisis should never be wasted. His opportunistic view is, therefore, that a pandemic is great for doing “things you would otherwise avoid”. We all know what he means, and this is exactly what the Dems are doing – playing identity politics from the comfort of their lake-houses, million-dollar resorts, and their mansions, whilst common folk are struggling to get their stuff together so they can scrape up a stipend.

Nonetheless, there are quite a few facts that the Dems cannot escape. For example, before the World Health Organisation (which is primarily funded by China, and thus boot-licks them) gave proper advice about the pandemic, Trump decided to take precautionary action and blocked immigration from China – for this, the Dems accused him of a whole plethora of things, including being “racist and discriminatory” What now? Do you want potential carriers to be let in? Trump later prepared over $2 billion to deal with initial consequences of the pandemic. Furthermore, he was accused of xenophobia for his use of the term “Chinese virus”, although this is simply a logical common name for the virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Where is this liberal logic? (Or lack thereof).

Joe Biden, the Dems’ last-ditch but front-running 2020 candidate, vehemently and irrationally denounced the reactionary travel bans that the Trump administration implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. Biden said they would, somehow, worsen the problem… Can someone PLEASE explain how letting fewer people roam freely would worsen a pandemic? I thought not – Trump’s response received praise from numerous medical experts – go see for yourself.

Thus, my conclusion is this: come hell or high water, the ‘liberal’ snowflakes from the ‘tolerant left’ will always find a way to complain about anyone with a different narrative. Stay home and stay safe – just like you’ve been told… Unless, of course, you want to moan about that too.

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