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Covid Time Capsule

Dear Finder,

Congratulations on finding the Covid 19 Time Capsule! Now, you may be disappointed that it doesn’t have a million pounds or a magical item inside, however, this is about the year 2020. You may have heard or even learnt about it at school, or maybe someone told you about it. This time capsule contains very distinct memories from this time. I don’t know what age you are, but that doesn’t matter, because everyone, of very age, gender, race and even nationality was greatly affected by this. I was fourteen at the time and was in Year 9.

Us Brits started to become aware of it in January 2020. Oh right, I forgot to tell you what it was. It was a disease that was going to harm millions of people, and kill so many people regardless of nationality etc. People were going to be dying every single day, without knowing how to put a complete stop to this disease. The nation’s workers were going to lose their jobs, become redundant, and schools would close.

Not entirely realising what the consequences were going to be, at the start we saw it as a little disease that wasn’t really going to affect our country. But, after a couple of months, it hit us hard. Schools announced that they were going to be closed, and almost everyone would have to adjust to almost a completely new way of life. If you didn’t know how to use technology, then you were about to. The country got put into lockdown for months where, at one point, you were only allowed out of your house once a day, and only for essential items, and one form of exercise. You weren’t allowed to associate yourselves with any other people, only the people in your household.

For school, it was moved online, and you had to learn technology fast. You weren't going to be able to see your friends for months on end, only through Facetime, and other social networks. Overall, it wasn’t an experience many people want to experience ever again.

Now that you’re filled in with the horrors of the coronavirus, you will now be able to understand (or partially understand) the contents of the time capsule. I hope you enjoy looking in it, and understanding for yourself, what happened to the world as you know it.

An explanation of all the items inside:

Shoes- the long walks we would go on when we could go outside.

Book- The lockdown resulted in a lot of time to be able to read new things.

Pasta- an item that was a panic buy, and that was rarely in stock

World puzzle- To represent that all nations and countries were to be affected.

Toilet roll- more valuable than gold during the pandemic, hard to get hold of, and a precious item.

Sugar- many people were bored, therefore, decided to cook and bake a lot (that’s if you had flour)

A study book- represents online learning and having to teach yourself a lot.

Picture of me and a girl named Ana – she was from Colombia, however, could not return because of the coronavirus, therefore, stayed with us until the end of the pandemic.

Mask – A typical item of the course of the virus, many people wore them to stop germs and catching the disease.

Hand sanitizer – another item that was very hard to get hold of, however, when you got it you felt like Bill Gates. Used to fight germs and bacteria.

Painting – the whole experience gave us the opportunity to do more things, so I painted a lot, like many other people.

Sorry if you were hoping for something different, but at the time, many of these things were basically worth a million pounds, especially the toilet roll, and the hand sanitizer.


Molly McKnight

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