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Covid-19 Capsule

Dear whoever opens this box,

This is a time capsule, to remember the 2020 lockdown during the COVID-19 global pandemic, and so we can look back on it and remember it in the future, maybe even tell stories about it. All of the items in this box have a meaning or show what we did during the pandemic.

Firstly, we have some hand sanitizer and some toilet roll. The toilet paper is there because, in the pandemic, people were stocking up on it so as to not run out, which was ironic because you could order it online anyway. The hand sanitizer is there because, like toilet paper, people were buying it in bulk, but unlike toilet paper, it became hard to get and much more expensive- it was going for about £10 per small bottle!

Next, we have some counters from Monopoly, some letters from Scrabble, some characters from adventure games and a card from Colditz. These symbolise some of the games we played during the lockdown- yes they were quite boring after the 5th time playing them, but I guess it was something to do. I won most of them, which did make it a bit more fun…

After that, we have an i-phone charger to symbolise the insane amount of time that we spent on our phones, texting, watching videos, scrolling through instagram and facetime family and friends. We were always stealing each other's chargers because we kept losing our own.

There is a long receipt in there too, because we kept getting through food and nice drinks very very quickly because there was nothing else to do, so we always ordered up to the 80-item limit, and that meant we spent a lot too. Also, because we had so much time on our hands, we bought lots of clothes online.

My dog’s (Maggie’s) old lead is there because every day I took her on a walk as this kept her energy levels down, it kept her happy and it meant that I was doing some exercise, so I didn't get too fat. She always loved her walks, and I suppose they were ok too…

Penultimately, we have a DVD and a Netflix bill, because we also spent ages watching T.V series and films. We got through so many bad series that I have lost count, and we re-watched tons of old and new and classic films, my brother’s favourite was Star Wars. We also have an Xbox game that symbolises the long amount of time we spent on the Xbox nearly every day as that was as fun as it got then, playing FPS games with my friends.

Finally, as a reminder of the daily headaches from too long on screens, we have some of the online school tasks that we HAD TO DO, and the evil teachers set us homework too because they all believed their subject was the best..

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