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Remote Learning: the way forward?

Imagine a world where every student’s needs are met and teachers do not get angry with them for asking simple questions. Imagine a world where schools have no distraction, each lesson is interactive and captivating and students are drawn to the lesson without even being tempted to talk to their friends of fidget with their surroundings. Imagine a world where students are excited about every lesson, they do not even have one dreaded lesson they really do not want to attend. Imagine a world where every student loves school.

Would that not appeal to everyone? I think it would.

This morning I had remote learning. The sound of the alarm set on my phone woke me up, I registered in bed then had breakfast with my family, got dressed, set up my laptop and began school. Usually when I have physical school, I wake up at 6:00 and put a lot of effort into my appearance. I also have to triple check I have everything I need for the day in my bag, not to mention my mother wakes up early too, around 6:30 to make my packed lunch. I then drive to the bus and set out on a long bus journey to school, making stops for others on the way.

Once at school I am exhausted, probably having stayed up at night to complete homework. I won’t have exercised or socialised enough at all and so I’m usually quite snappy to others. And, I will have barely seen my father who works in an office. As you can see remote learning is much more suitable for me. That being said, it is not without its faults. With no faculty around for face-to-face interaction and no classmates who can help with constant reminders about pending assignments, the chances of getting distracted and losing track of deadlines are high. You need to keep yourself motivated and focused if you want to successfully complete your distance-learning course.

Distance education is not a good idea if you tend to procrastinate and cannot stick to deadlines.

If you are self-disciplined and self-motivated, the best benefit of distance education is that you can learn at your own pace. It is a known fact that different people learn in different ways and at different speeds. In a classroom, when everyone is being taught together, it is often difficult to have every student on the same page. Some students are too shy to raise their doubts in class so this is where distance education has an advantage over a regular school.

In conclusion, remote learning still has a long way to go before it can be permanent, as right now it is all dependent on the student and their lifestyle whether it is suitable, and as Albert Einstein famously said:

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learnt in school”.

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