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The shouts echoed across the cliffs,

Rebounding and reverberating along the shoreline.

The birds roosting in the nooks left by the steady crashing of the waves Started at the noise and the resulting ca caws added to the crescendo.

A door slammed. The birds fell silent.

The bitter words left an acid taste on my tongue as I stalked along the path.

My heart rages as the anger pulses through me,

My blood is electric, sending shocks of emotion into my body.

The salty smell of the seaweed, discarded by the swell,

Assaults my nose and shoves itself down my throat.

I storm ahead, running towards the dying sun,

My body a whirlwind of anger and pain.


The waves crash. The gulls soar.

The fading slivers of sunlight pierce weakly through the oncoming darkness,

To sparkle, red, pink, and yellow across the surface of the sea.

The colours whirl and merge,

Dancing through the spray,

An elegant waltz in the shimmer haze above the water.

Through the garden, my footsteps march to the beat of the music,

My hips sway to the rhythm of the water,

My fingers tap along to the pulse of the light.

The sun disappears into the darkness, the dance dissolves.

I am left alone.

My feet ache as the shingle shifts once more

To luscious green, the blades crisp with dew.

The gate creaks under my hand and the door gives way beneath my touch,

I smile at the woman before me

Throwing my arms wide.

She embraces me and my heart finally stills its frantic beating.

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