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An Apple a day….?

Year 10 student, Izzie Gee, tells us why she doesn't want the new iPhone for Christmas ...

Life in the 21st century is clearly a lot easier than the olden days of chamber pots, no running water and having to hunt for your own food. But what our ancient relatives did not have to put up with is the constant badgering from companies to buy new technology.

Apple are releasing new phones every 6 months claiming that they are ‘better’ and with the ‘latest software’. If this is true then how come the battery life shortens dramatically after a year of use? We are forced by Apple into buying a new phone every year - at least - when they could easily make a phone that lasts for 5 years. Their ‘geniuses’ clearly aren’t very smart because a toddler could figure that out but they are just a huge money making machine that does not care about what the customer wants but focuses instead on keeping on making money.

What is more, all of the flashy iPhone 6s and 7s that are considered so cool are made in sweatshops where staff are paid less than £1.50 an hour. Put it this way, conditions are so bad in their factory in China that the managers have installed suicide nets to stop workers jumping to their deaths. Is the new iPhone really worth a human life? Is it so amazing that you will happily let someone die so that you can own it? I thought not.

Apple are despicably horrible to their workers and their products aren’t even that amazing. I mean, come on, the new iPhone 7; really? No headphone jack so they force you to buy their own Bluetooth headphones, and let’s face it, it’s the size of a mini iPad. They haven’t really come up with any new ideas and just keep making the phone bigger and bigger. The iPhone 6 didn’t fit in a pocket so the 7 must be huge.

Basically, Apple are just out to suck up your money and then don’t even bother to pay their workers properly. There ideas really are not very innovative and they don’t bother to pay their taxes. So next time, don’t buy an Apple phone. Think Samsung, or Microsoft or Nokia.

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